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Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious reformism were the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and the victory of the Usuli "mujtahids” in Shiite Iran and Iraq.
A .  Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious reformism were shown in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and also
B .  In the first period of religious reformism, manifestations of Islamic political militancy were the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, of the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and
C .  In the first period of religious reformism, manifestations of Islamic political militancy were shown in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and
D .  In the first period of religious reformism, Islamic political militancy was manifested in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and in
Answer: Option D
D, the best choice, uses parallel phrases for the two major coordinate members (in the rise of... and in the victory of ...) and also for the series listed in the first of these (s in t, u in v, w in x, and y in z). D's placement of the In... reformismphrase at the beginning of the sentence is direct and efficient. Choices A, B and C omit and before the Mahdi, the last element in the first series; thus, they incorrectly merge the second major member (the victory of) into the series listed under the first member (the rise of). Furthermore, in B and C the in...reformismphrase has been awkwardly set between the subject and verb of the sentence.

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