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In a music school, three instruments are taught: Tabla, Violin and Guitar. Out of 278 students in the school, 20 learn Tabla and Violin, 23 learn Violin and Guitar and 21 learn Tabla and Guitar. 9 students learn all three instruments. It is known that the equal number of seats in all three instruments classes. (If a student is learning Guitar as well as Tabla, then he occupies two seats: one in Tabla class and one in Guitar class)
Determine the number of students who have occupied seats in Violin or Guitar class, but not in Tabla Class.
A .  160
B .  153
C .  175
D .  179
E .  167
Answer: Option E
As per the informationgivenin the question, we get the venn diagram as:
In A Music School, Three Instruments Are Taught: Tabla, Viol...
We get the equations as:
T + 32 = V + 34 = G + 35
and V + T + G + 46 = 278 => V + T + G = 232
So, by solving the equations we get, no. of students who have occupied seat in Violin Class or Guitar Class, but not in
Tabla Class = 77 + 14 + 76 = 167. Hence option (e)

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