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In a "keep-fit” gymnasium class, there are fifteen females enrolled in a weight-loss program. They all have been grouped in any one of the five weight-groups W1,W2,W3,W4 or W5One instructor is assigned to one weight-group only. A, B, C, and D belong to the same weight-group. A and E are in one weight-group, F and G are also in one weight-group. E, H, G, I, and J belong to different weight-groups. K cannot be with J, and L cannot be with H. M cannot be with H, K, or J. D is in W1 and K is in W4with I. N and O cannot be with F, but are in a weight-group with total membership of four. No weight-group can have more than five or less that one member. P, Q, R, S, and T are instructors of weight-groups with membership sizes 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, respectively. Who is the instructor of H? /p>

A .   Q
B .   T
C .   R
D .   S
Answer: Option B

Based on the information available in the passage, we can come up with the following table:
GroupsW1       W2            W3     W4     W5      MembersA,B,C,D,EHG,F,MI,K,N,OJ,LInstructorsPTRQS
Therefore, we can deduce that the instructor of H is T, thus making answer option (b) the correct answer choice.

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