Sail E0 Webinar

If the city of Ahmedabad is in Gujarat and Socrates spent as many days as possible in Ahmedabad and as few days as possible in each of the other cities that he visited, then which one of the following must be true?

A .   Socrates could not visit any other city in Gujarat.
B .   Socrates could visit four cities in Uttar Pradesh.
C .   Socrates could spend six days in Ahmedabad.
D .   Socrates could not spend more than four days in Maharashtra.
Answer: Option B

Total no. of cities that need to be visited except Ahmedabad = 5. Least possible no. of days of visit to these 5 Cities = 10. Thus, maximum possible no. of days in Ahmedabad = 4. Hence, the possibility is 1 city in Gujarat, 4 in UP and 1 in Maharashtra.


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