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Four friends A, B, C and D are out shopping. A has less money than three times the amount that B has. C has more money that B. D has an amount equal to the difference of amounts with B and C. A has three times the money with D. They each have to buy at least one shirt, or one shawl, or one sweater, or one jacket that are priced Rs. 200, Rs. 400, Rs. 600, and Rs. 1000 apiece, respectively. C borrows Rs. 300 from A and buys a jacket. B buys a sweater after borrowing Rs. 100 from A and is left with no money. A buys three shirts. What is the costliest item that D could buy with his own money?

A .   A shirt
B .   A shawl
C .   A sweater
D .   A jacket
Answer: Option B
From the information given in the question, we can deduce the following:
Amount with A < 3* (Amount with B) ... (1)
Amount with C > Amount with B ... (2)
Amount with D = (Amount with C) - (Amount with B) ... (3)
Amount with A = 3 * (Amount with D) ... (4)
Now, C + Rs. 300 (borrowed from A) Rs. 1000 (Since he bought a jacket) ... (5)
Also, B + Rs. 100 (borrowed from A) Rs. 600 (Since he bought a sweater) ... (6)
We can deduce from (6) that B had at least Rs. 500.
Thus, following (1), (5) and (6),
1000 Amount with A 1500.
Thus, Amount with D 15004.
Therefore, the costliest item that D can buy is a Shawl thus making answer option (B) the correct answer choice.

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