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Choose the correct set from below.
A .  Spermatogonium - 46 chromosomes, Spermatids - 23 chromosomes, Spermatozoa - 23 chromosomes
B .  Spermatogonium - 46 chromosomes, Spermatids - 46 chromosomes, Spermatozoa - 23 chromosomes
C .  Spermatogonium - 23 chromosomes, Spermatids - 46 chromosomes, Spermatozoa - 23 chromosomes
D .  Spermatogonium - 23 chromosomes, Spermatids - 23 chromosomes, Spermatozoa - 23 chromosomes
Answer: Option A
Each spermatogonium is diploid and contains 46 chromosomes. Some of the spermatogonia undergo mitotic divisions to form primary spermatocytes, which periodically undergo meiosis. A primary spermatocyte completes the first meiotic division (reduction division) leading to the formation of two equal, haploid cells called secondary spermatocytes, which have only 23 chromosomes each. The secondary spermatocytes undergo the second meiotic division to produce four equal, haploid spermatids with 23chromosomes. The spermatids are transformed into spermatozoa which are also haploid, having23 chromosomes.

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