At the FIFA World Cup, out of the 2 lakh visiting fans, 90% were fans of Argentina, 85% of Brazil, 70% of Germany, 75% of Spain and 85% of Netherlands. What is the minimum percentage of visiting fans who are fans of all 5 countries if it is given that each of these visiting fans supports at least one country?
A .  5%
B .  10%
C .  0
D .  15%
Answer: Option A : A In this case, the minimum of all is that part of the Venn diagram which has 5 overlapping regions. This can be found using a shortcut technique. Here X=100, Step 1- Taking the difference of each from X. 100-90=10 100-85=15 100-70=30 100-75=25 100-85=15 Total (Y) ∑ = 95% (Percentage of fans who do not support atleast 1 country) Step 2- Take the difference of Y from 100, 100-95 = 5% Minimum percentage of fans who support all 5 countries = 5%
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