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At least what percentage of those scoring 75% or above in the J A T will fail to make it to the interview in Ostentia University?

A .   90%
B .   87%
C .   85%
D .   88%
E .   92%
Answer: Option A

Ans. (a)

Ostentia’s JAT/GD cut-off figure is (125/60). The last row total of 1075 represents the number who score 75 % of 200 i.e. 150 and above in the JAT. Of these, 109 score 60 and above in GD and therefore qualify for interview if their academics conform to Ostentia. How many among these will actually qualify cannot be established, but (1075 – 109) will fail as they do not clear the GD cut-off. Hence minimum percentage disqualified for interview among those who quality in the JAT = (1075 – 109) * 100/1075 = 90%

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