Sail E0 Webinar
A train X departs from station A at 11.00 a. m. for station B, which is 180 km away. Another train Y departs from station B at 11 : 00 a. m. for station A. Train X travels at an average speed of 70 km/hr and not stop anywhere until it arrives at station B. Train Y travels at an average speed of 50 km/hr, but has to stop for 15 minutes at station C, which is 60 kms away from station B enroute to station A. Ignoring the lengths of the trains, what is the distance, to the nearest km, from station A to the point where the train crosses each other ? (2001)
A .  112
B .  118
C .  120
D .  None of these
Answer: Option A
Approach 1:
Option (a) Time taken by B to cover 60 km =6050=65 hours.
Time taken by Y at station C =1560=14 hours.
Now distance travelled bt train X in (65+14)=2920 hours =70×2920=101.5 km.
Distance between X and Y when Y starts from station C =180 -(101.5 +60)=18.5 km.
Relative speed =(70+50)=120 km/hr.
Hence, time taken by them in crossing one another =18.5120=0.15 hours. Now, distance travelled by X in 0.15 hour =70×0.15=10.5 km.
Therefore, distance of X from station A, when they meet =(101.5+10.5)=112 km.
Approach 2:
By using a table to check the distance travelled by each of X and Y:
The last 18.5 kms will have to be divided in the ratio of 70:50. Hence we see that the distance travelled by X is around 112 kms.

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