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A, B, C, D and E when arranged in descending order of their weight from top, A becomes third, E is between D and A, C and D are not at the top. Who among them is the second?
A .  C
B .  D
C .  E
D .  A
E .  B
Answer: Option A

- - - - -

- A - - -

D E A - -  [It is not possible as D is not at the top]
- - A E D
Hence, C is second among them.
---------- Another Explaination:

Let's analyze the given information step by step:

  1. A becomes third when arranged in descending order of weight from top.
  2. E is between D and A.
  3. C and D are not at the top.

From point 1, we know that A is not the heaviest since it's third from the top.

From point 2, we have two possibilities:
a. E is between D and A
b. A is between D and E

However, since A is already stated to be third from the top, option b is not possible. So, we proceed with option a.

From point 3, we know that C and D are not at the top. So, it implies that either B or E could be at the top.

Given that A is not the heaviest and C and D are not at the top, the order from top to bottom could be:

  • B, E, D, A, C
  • E, B, D, A, C

In both cases, C is second in descending order of weight.

So, the correct answer is (A) C.

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