Sail E0 Webinar

A US citizen won a local raffle and decides to purchase three bikes a Honda, Yamaha and a Kwasaki. The cost of foreign travel and stay is not a consideration since it’s included free of cost towards his lottery win. Which country will result in the cheapest purchase, taking cost of poor quality into account? 

A .   India
B .   Thailand
C .   Malaysia
D .   Singapore
E .   USA
Answer: Option C

option (c)


India: 28500+2100=49500 USD

Thailand: 35000+16000=51000 USD

Singapore: 38000+13000 = 51000 USD

Malaysia: 29000+1800 = 47000 USD

Hence the cheapest package including the cost of poor quality is in Malaysiay in the four countries in US dollars:

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