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"Multiculturalist relativism” is the notion that there is no such thing as impartial or objective knowledge. The author seems to be grounding his criticism of this notion on:
A .  the conclusion that relativism leaves one with no clear notions of any one thing that is true.
B .  the absurdity of claiming that knowledge of oppression is more valid than knowledge of scientific facts.
C .  the agreement among people of all cultures as to certain undeniable truths- e.g., when the sky is clear, day is warmer than night.
D .  the fact that "truth” is not finitely definable and therefore that any discussion of impartial or objective truth is moot.
Answer: Option A
Look at these lines in the passage -
“Impartial knowledge, they argue, is not possible, because ideas are simply the expression of individual identity, or of the unspoken but inescapable assumptions that are inscribed in a culture or a language. The problem, however, with this warmed-over Nietzscheanism is that it threatens to leave no ground for anybody to stand on”
These lines clearly point to (a) as the right answer.

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